Tuesday, August 30, 2011

After the Hurricane: Environmental Art

Yesterday when I took a walk along my usual trail, I was curious to see how high the creek had risen after 24 hours of rain.....well it had stopped for at least 20 hours by that time. To my surprise, the site had been altered with wonderful "environmental art" or sculpture made from the earth. The hurricane, which had followed an earthquake four days earlier, were beyond our control, but turning nature's rocky debris into art was a good response to the power of nature. Someone (children or adults?) had piled towers of stones on top of the large boulders. The new shapes were quite interesting and artful sculptures. So I had to return home and get my iPhone. In the distance, colors came out vibrantly and beautifully, changing as the sun and water picked up various hues through the trees.

When I went back today all the towers were gone, but a few tumbled stones remained on the large rocks. There had been a little rain last night, but not much wind. I'm so glad to have captured that artistic moment of time in photos. And to the unknown artist who created these deliberate changes to the environment, your efforts are beautiful and well appreciated. Although so much art does not last in time, it is the thought, the act and the creative process which make it worthwhile.

While looking at one of the towers closely, I was reminded of a bird and thought of Brancusi's birds set on pedestals.